perjantai 2. huhtikuuta 2010

Africa on my mind

I lost my heart a few weeks ago with my first ever visit to Sub-Saharan Africa, to Kenya. It's a another world out there!
When I got selected to be a KAPUA Aidventures charity climber, I already knew it meant something, a turning point in my life, start of something new, end of something old. I knew it was going to be my Africa year. Now I know it is going to be much more than that. Not just a year! Now there is my life before and after Africa. How on earth did it take me until this point in my life to find this new aspect, new inspiration, new beginning, new awareness in my life? Well, I suppose that's how it goes in life - one day you suddenly wake in yourself like a lotus opening in waterweeds (by Lalla). You suddenly know what really makes you tick, what gives you inspiration. That's how I feel now. I simply know. Africa has come into my life to stay.

After having spent six days on trekking Mt. Kenya I cried and it was not out of pain. The experience was just something so deeply amazing and fulfilling. It was also the contact with the local people, their questions, their remarks, their friendliness, their helpfulness, their unconditional gestures. I wanted to know more, more, more. Ever since my desire is endless, to learn more about this fascinating continent, its countries, people, cultures, religion, politics, demographics, languages, music and dance, nature, animals (the list goes on).

So, if Kenya did this to me, what will Malawi do?

Emotions aside... climbing a mountain demands some hard exercise. We are all getting ready also for the physical challenge of our trip to Malawi. What is nice about this kind of workout - and that's why I myself love it - is that when trekking you can always do it your own pace. Some may enjoy the thrill of going faster for the exercise. Others, like me in the end, postpone getting to the end of the trek, slowing down my steps, just wanting it to last forever...

I was asked a few very interesting questions by the locals. They were wondering for example why we want to travel. Why do we not want to spend the money on home and family rather? Why do I want to do voluntary work? Do I not need the money for myself?
Like I said, it is another world out there. A reminder how different our lives we lead are in this world.
I want to travel and I want to volunteer for the good! Not all people have a chance to travel or volunteer.

Now I have friends in Kenya. I never thought I would. Another expansion in my life.

As the spring has arrived here in the Netherlands, I will now go to the beach for my hard exercise of running in the sand and up and down the dunes, not to become the fastest or the strongest, but to enjoy the discovery of myself. I am so fortunate to see the world and to have a chance to do something good for it. I want you who are reading this to think now - how fortunate are you?


1 kommentti:

  1. On häkeltävää ajatella kuinka erilaista eri ihmisten elämä voi olla, jopa Suomessa! Kuinka erilailla täälläkin maanviljelijä elää arkeaan, verrattuna tietotyöläiseen! Ihanaa saada silmät auki uudella tavalla, saada hidastettua oravanpyörän vauhtia niin että kerkeää katsella vähän sivullekin! Olemme unohtumattoman edessä!
